As we know, all BNI members are tracked to see how they perform. We are all part of BNI to promote our own businesses, but also to assist other businesses in our chapter. With the philosophy of 'Givers Gain', BNI membership is measured on various aspects ... and the more we put into the chapter, the more it will develop and the more business we will all generate. So I thought this week I would discuss how the (grey, red, amber, green) 'Traffic Lights' system works and how we are scored for each section.....
Each section scores between 0 and 20 points and the scores for each section are as follows:-
Absenteeism <1=15 , 1=10, 2=5 >2=0
Referrals per week <0.5=0, <0.75=5, <1=10, <1.2=15, >=1.2=20
Thank you for the business <£1000=0, <£2500=5, <£5000=10, >£5000=15
Average visitors per week <0.083=0, <0.167=5, <0.25=10, <0.5=15, >0.5=20
Testimonials per week <0=0, <0.075=5, >0.075=10
Arriving on time >1=0 (i.e., late more than once) =0=5 (never late = 5 points)
Attended BNI Training 0=0, 1=5, 2=10, 3=15
All are scored over the past 6
Delivered 19th April 2012